Synergistic Healing

The healing system that Angela uses is called “Synergistic Healing”. Synergistic comes from the Greek syn-ergo which means working together.

Synergistic Healing is the opening to the Divine aspect within, which allows “natural” healing to occur. A blend of various aspects are brought together to allow us to work in a spontaneous and intuitive way so that each healing is unique and individual, just as we are.

What is synergistic healing? It is an integration of spiritual, energy and body practices to assist realignment and promote health on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

This may include but is not restricted to:

  • Bodywork
  • Cranio Sacral Therapy
  • Energy practices – Qi Gong & Zen Yoga
  • Breathing practices to awaken and sensitise
  • 5 Pranas healing, 5 elements healing and energy work
  • Polarity body work to balance the various bodies
  • Communication and process work
  • Exploring within the body and communicating with the pain or illness


“I had a session with Angela for just some little ‘niggles’ in life, nothing major…the work Angela did allowed some deep patterns to come to the surface in a way that didn’t not feel pushed or inappropriate. She held the energetic space in the perfect way for me. The session met my needs on so many levels, emotionally, physically, spiritually and energetically. When I got off the couch I felt different, an inner relaxation was there, a sense of peace. I hadn’t realised before-hand that I was not feeling these.

I can’t recommend Angela highly enough, she gave me the support, tools and professionalism to move through so much ‘hidden layers’ to allow me to be more at ease within and with who I intrinsically am.”

Amanda Brooks

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Why is is useful

Synergistic Healing can be useful in healing^ all kinds of symptoms. Including but not restricted to:

  • Insomnia
  • Chronic Pain
  • Busy Mind – persistent and recurrent thoughts
  • Headaches/ Migraines
  • Low Energy/Fatigue
  • Digestive problems – IBS/Constipation
  • Anxiety/Depression*
  • Immune Deficiencies – Recurrent colds/infections
  • Self worth/ Confidence Issues

^Healing does not necessarily mean a complete cure, or eradication of your symptoms. Although this can, and does, happen. Healing can also mean coming to terms with, or making peace with certain life  conditions/situations. There could well still be pain but without excessive or unnecessary suffering.

How does Synergistic Healing work?

By becoming aware of the many hidden aspects of and within ourselves. We aim to balance the elements (air, fire, earth, water and ether) within the body in order to regain harmony. To do so, we could work with “chi” points on the body or in-depth with the chakra energy system. In addition, we use various body centred techniques, including polarity work and communication with the body’s own natural intelligence.

synergistic healing

How Angela works

Through her own exploration of wellbeing, both personally and professionally Angela has come to realise that there is no one way to work with clients and so she aspires to work with the following principles:

Integrity – To create a safe and comfortable environment for therapy. To develop an open, honest, listening relationship with each client that supports their recovery and unfoldment.

Individually – Each person that she sees is an individual with their own unique nature and needs. They have their own personal, medical and social history, life experiences, conditioning and perceptions of the world. All of which has an affect on a persons wellbeing. Sessions are client led as much as possible.

Inclusive – All are welcome.  Angela works at a rate and level that is nurturing and respectful of the person with whom she is working. Yet, will gently and respectfully challenge at times to promote change, healing and empowerment.

Integral – The way Angela works aims to integrate the physical, psychological*, emotional and spiritual. These are not separate parts of us, all have an effect on the other, and so all require our awareness and attention. Facilitating the clients connection to their inner self.

Intuitive – Using which ever technique or tool that feels the most appropriate and beneficial to use within the client’s session. Responding to what is present there and then. No pre set ways of working and no agenda.

*Angela has a level 5 diploma in  psychotherapeutic & counselling skills she is  a fully qualified counsellor. However, If you have any mental illness diagnosis, she strongly advise that you sort the support of a suitable Dr along side treatment with herself.